
  • HIDDEN / 2

    HIDDEN / 2

    This week, as a forward-looking element of The HIDDEN Project, we released three recent recordings by John McArthur, titled HIDDEN / 2. HIDDEN / 2 is now available on all streaming platforms, along...

  • On Grief & Hope...

    On Grief & Hope...

    One of our North Star motivations in making and sharing music is to lower the barriers people perceive between themselves and the do our small part to help more people connect with more mu...

  • VOCALISE Film - A Journey in Alzheimer's Caregiving

    VOCALISE Film - A Journey in Alzheimer's Caregiving

    This past week, we released VOCALISE, a short film telling the story of John McArthur’s journey as an Alzheimer’s caregiver and how Rachmaninoff’s beloved Vocalise accompanied him on that journey. ...